61 artists and makers at Krowji, Cornwall’s largest creative hub, opened their studio doors once again on the first weekend of December to give visitors the opportunity to see behind the scenes, meet the makers and purchase art, crafts and Christmas gifts. The event began on Friday evening 5pm-9pm with festive entertainment and a complimentary mince pie and mulled wine.
Visitors were invited to Krowji to see the work that happens within our studio walls and artists and makers had art and crafts for sale, just in time for Christmas! Some artists ran workshops during this time-visitors were invited to pull a screenprint heart with screenprinter Paul Bawden, make a felt bead with felt maker Bettina Holland and create a Christmas kite with artist Clare Summerson. Also on the first and second floor of the Percy Williams building the Krowji tenants had colouring stations and making tables, lots of arty activities to keep everyone entertained!
An image from each artist that took part can be found below:
Krowji plan to run the same event next year, on Friday 30th November, Saturday 1st December and Sunday 2nd December 2018.