Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.

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Gav Goulder in Newlyn Art Gallery’s exhibition ‘The Silence is Deafening’.

Gavan Goulder’s photographs of the Black Lives Matter protests across Cornwall will be featured in an exhibition taking place at The Studio at Newlyn Art Gallery, ‘The Silence is Deafening’.


This exhibition, curated by Abi Hutchinson on behalf of Black Voices Cornwall, will be running during Black History month from 15th October until 2nd January, 2021. It displays a powerful range of perspectives through handmade placards from the protests in Cornwall such as the No Going Back Sundays demonstrations, hard-hitting testimonies from local people and soundscapes inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as photography by Gav Goulder and Ilya Fisher.

“The effects the Black Lives Matter movement have on our local people and their stories that go hand-in-hand show us that racism still exists and we still have a long way to go in fighting this battle. I strongly and wholeheartedly believe every voice raised against racism chips away at its power.”

– Abi Hutchinson (BVC’s Cultural Director).

An accompanying exhibition zine is also available to download online and receive in paper copy at the gallery. Visitors to Newlyn Art Gallery will be able to see Gav’s photography at the exhibition between Wednesday – Saturday, 10am to 5pm until the new year.


Photography by Gav Goulder


Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange