Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.

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Julia Rowlands

Julia has been a professional painter since 1990 and has a successful international career that began in Munich where she lived for 10 years. She worked on architectural partnership projects, led creative arts holidays in the Apennine Mountains and raworkshops at Volkshochschule.

Previous study at The Falmouth School of Art motivated Julia to return to Cornwall in 2005

Selected for The Battle Contemporary Fine Art Fair 2010,  she was awarded  ‘Best Painting’. This selected exhibition had an esteemed board of judges chaired by CAV OMRI Romeo Di Girolamo PPRBA, supported by Megan Di Girolamo RBA RBS and Guy Portelli VPRBA  RBS and for the judging, Polly Gifford, Head of Education at the iconic De La Warr Pavilion.

She also continues to teach and exhibit in the UK and Europe.



Create at Krowji


Email [email protected]

Studio 124
Percy Williams Building
West Park
TR15 3GE