Creative Kernow, based at Krowji, is the umbrella organisation for the following projects. Together we support the production, promotion and distribution of work by creative practitioners in Cornwall because we believe in creativity's transformative power and want more people to benefit from it.

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Artisan swaps Moroccan city for Cornish studio

This month Krowji is pleased to welcome Moroccan Artist Hamza El Fasiki to a month long studio residency as part of the CARPET project (Craft, Art & People Together) that includes among its different activities: The Twist, a residency project that focuses on residencies for artists and craftspeople.

Creative Kernow is working within the framework of the European CARPET project to offer two residency spaces at Krowji, Cornwall’s largest creative hub, for one month in November 2018 and again in May 2019. Artists based in CARPET partner countries Morocco, Spain and Portugal with an interest in co-creating and experimentation were invited to apply. Two artists from Cornwall, including Krowji-based mixed media artist Mel Johns, have been selected for residencies in the partnering countries.

As with any experience of this type, the results are unknown but the main objective is to broaden perspectives, explore the potential for co-creation and foster the exchange of ideas as well as facilitate artists’ mobility internationally and contact with citizens.

Artist Hamza El Fasiki has joined Krowji from Morocco for the month of November. His practice CRAFT DRAFT is a multidisciplinary art studio offering Moroccan traditional visual arts & crafts workshops to all age groups, sharing his skills in workshops around the globe. Hamza will also work together with Falmouth-based artist Megan Jordan to create new work during his residency. Visitors will be welcomed into Hamza’s studio during the Krowji Christmas Open Studios event, taking place on the first weekend of December, to see the body of work that he has created during his time in the UK.

Creative Kernow is one of the official partners of project CARPET coordinated by Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foudation from Seville in Spain together with CEARTE in Portugal and the APDN in Morocco as associative partner. This project is co-financed by  the Creative Europe program. The project delivers exhibitions, residences abroad for artists, talks, workshops, open studio tours and participative fairs and promotes the value of diversity, fostering dialogue not only between artisans but also with the public. The project contributes toward internationalization by making it easier for artists and artisans to shift location, work together and gain repute outside their own country, reaching new audiences and future markets. At the same time the local community are invited to get closer to the creative process and the work of art itself as a path towards a better understanding of art and its contribution to any society.